Rolling you own Linux distro with yocto

This post is the first in a series that will cover embedded development from the perspective of OS development, starting with the need of such solution, the moving parts, the basic configuration that can be used on a raspberry pi and anything else that might be relevant. When it comes to starting an embedded project, one that uses more then a simple micro controller, a choice how much control over its software components will need to be made, meaning control over the OS(Linux in the context of this post) and the added logic/responsibility during development....

lsp and cross compilation pitfalls

About The aim of this tutorial is to go over the creation of the compilation database(compile_commands.json) for cland lsp using cmake, and then more importantly expand on its limitations when it comes to cross compilation. Resources You can get all the source described bellow at the following repository. Creating the source code Understanding the include search order by clang++/g++ standard headers such as iostream or pthread(posix) are located by the compiler at standard paths, other headers(foo....

Advanced workflows with tmux

There are many videos and posts dealing with tmux and how to use it, most of them only deal with its basic use, meaning explaining tabs, panes, session and at best the use of tmux as a daemon. I am on the other hand want to focus on the impact that tmux has had on my workflow and the ways I use it to reduce context switching friction. By understanding the moving parts of your tool and your interface with it you can carve a friction free workflow that suits you specifically, concentrating on the task at hand instead of wasting time and energy to bring the things you need together and then scrambling form one context to the next, just to repeat it again and again with each system restart....